St. John in the Wilderness
All Soul’s Day
All are welcome to join us in person or in prayer on All Souls’ Day, Saturday, November 2, at 3:00pm for a special Eucharist in our churchyard. All Souls’ Day, also known as All Faithful Departed, is a day in which we remember those dear souls who have departed this life and gone to be with God. We read aloud their names and remember our loved ones who have shaped our earthly journey by their living and dying. As we gather around the Lord’s table, we trust that those whom we love but see no longer are gathered with us as their sanctification continues in God’s nearer presence.
Weather allowing, we will convene at 3:00pm on the drive outside of the Carriage Entrance to the Church. If it is too wet or cold, we will move the service inside the church.
We invite you to submit a name to be read at the service, whether they died recently or long ago. Use the form below to add a name to the list to be read during the service.