Title: Discovering Carl Sandburg: The Eclectic Life of an American Icon
During the first half of the twentieth century, Carl Sandburg seemed to be everywhere and do everything: poet and political activist; investigative reporter, columnist, and film critic; lecturer, folk singer, and musicologist; Lincoln biographer and historian; children’s author; novelist; and media celebrity. But as time went on, his fame began to fade, and by the twenty-first century, the public knew little, if anything, about his legacy.
Discovering Carl Sandburg fills the gap for a new generation of readers. The opening chapter describes Sandburg’s humble beginnings in Galesburg, Illinois and the final chapter reflects on his legacy. The remaining chapters discuss a different aspect of his achievements or touch upon his personal life—such as his wife’s world-famous goats. Readers will come to appreciate Sandburg’s work ethic, wide-ranging interests, pioneering accomplishments, advocacy for social justice, focus on American history and culture, love of family, and his wisdom, integrity, kindness, and humor.
About the Author: John, a retired college administrator and faculty member, was raised in Maywood, Illinois—just a few blocks away from where Sandburg lived 30 years earlier. He and his wife, Melissa, live in Hendersonville, North Carolina—just a few miles from Sandburg’s former home.
Available at Amazon: Link Here
Karen Luke Jackson is a poet, story-catcher, and educator who lives in a cottage on a goat pasture in Flat Rock, North Carolina. Winner of the Rash Poetry Award and the Sidney Lanier Poetry Contest, Karen draws upon contemplative practices, family lore, and nature for inspiration. She has authored three poetry collections: If You Choose To Come, paying homage to the healing beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains; The View Ever Changing, exploring the lifelong pull of one's homeplace and family ties; and GRIT, chronicling her sister's adventures as an award-winning clown. Her writing has also appeared in numerous journals, including Atlanta Review, EcoTheo Review, Braided Way, Salvation South, and Friends Journal. Karen has a doctorate in education from North Carolina State University and for the last twenty-five years facilitated retreats under the umbrella of the Center for Courage & Renewal founded by Quaker writer and social activist Parker J. Palmer.
Website: www.karenlukejackson.com
If You Choose To Come - Redhawk Publications
The View Ever Changing - Kelsay Books
Grit - Finishing Line Press , Barnes and Noble