Who's on the Bench?
/ Bruce HollidayEvery day of the year, hundreds of visitors to The Park at Flat Rock enjoy walking and jogging on the 4-plus miles of trails that wind through the Park's beautiful landscape. Along those trails are over 40 benches - each inscribed with a plaque honoring a person, family members, an organization, pets, and even the intention of the benefactor who sponsored the bench.
Although passersby only occasionally stop to consider the inscriptions, each of those plaques hints at a deeper story. They are opening lines to stories of love, of loss, of happy memories, and all the things that stir the human soul.
To honor all those who supported The Park by sponsoring a bench, we have created a photo diary of each bench and its inscription. This is a celebration of the benches that provide us respite and invite us to contemplate the people, places, and moments that inspire us to consider our lives more closely.
Each bench is numbered and a map provides the location of each bench.

Do you know the story behind the bench? Please reach out to share what you know by writing to grace@flatrocktogether.com. We will add your information to this listing. Thank you!